American Beauty Soldering irons are full output irons designed and built to produce a tremendous amount of heat. Incorporating a voltage controller into your soldering process prolongs the life of your soldering irons' heating element and tip, reduces the thermal damage caused by excess heat buildup and saves energy and down-time by idling your iron at breaks. This voltage controller is intended to use with almost our entire line of heavy-duty soldering irons, ranging from 60 to 300 Watts (Models 3125 to 3178). Please see our EC-6 if you need to control our Model 3198, 550 Watt iron.
Solid-state voltage regulating device incorporated in each controller permits tighter process control, longer heating element life and a reduction in damage resulting from excess thermal capacity. Each is described separately below:
Improved Solder Joint Quality:The ideal operating temperature of your soldering iron or pot should be comfortably over the eutectic point of your solder. Excess heat simply causes damage.
Longer heating element life: Remember the story about the tortoise and the hare? Enough said!
Tighter Process Control: Our internal tests have shown that by incorporating a voltage control with our Model 600 solder pot, we were able to achieve a temperature fluctuation of less than +/- 5°.
The following products can be used as replacements for Model V3700 featured on this page: